Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Doctors Don't Want to be Rated Like Every Other Professional

Doctors fight back against Internet critics
Lindsey Tanner, Associated Press
Wednesday, March 4, 2009 04:00 PDT Chicago --

Some doctors have started fighting back against ugly Internet reviews by asking patients to abide by what are effectively gag orders that bar them from posting negative comments online.

Physicians are taking action as online ratings services such as Yelp and Angie's List grow in popularity and expand their reviews beyond restaurants and plumbers to include medical care, joining dedicated Web sites such as

"Consumers and patients are hungry for good information" about doctors, but Internet reviews provide just the opposite, contends Dr. Jeffrey Segal, a North Carolina neurosurgeon who has made a business of helping doctors monitor and prevent online criticism.

Some sites "are little more than tabloid journalism without much interest in constructively improving practices," and their sniping comments can unfairly ruin a doctor's reputation, Segal said.

For a fee, Segal's company, Medical Justice, provides doctors with a standardized waiver agreement. Patients who sign agree not to post online comments about the doctor, "his expertise and/or treatment."

Article continues at:

Doctors Fight Back Against Internet Critics

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Sunday, March 1, 2009

California schedule

I am in California again.

This weekend I interviewed two people:

Barbara Herrera, San Diego ( at and Stephanie Dawn iN LA area ( Barbara is a midwife, photographer and writer, and a very well-spoken, thoughtful advocate for babies. Unfortunately, Dr. Wonderful, a wonderful obstetrician in San Diego was ill and unavailable.

Stephanie does her Sacred Birth Workshops in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York City, Childbirth preparation for the heart, mind, and spirit, Tomorrow I will interviewing Marcy Axness, PhD.,

QUANTUM PARENTING, which brings together the latest scientific research with ancient spiritual wisdom…

A leading-edge source of parenting resources for mothers and fathers wanting to most effectively support the unfolding mind, body and soul of their children…

Then we travel to Nevada City, CA where I will be visiting David and Donna Chamberlain and BEPE (Birth and Early Parenting Educators).