Sunday, March 1, 2009

California schedule

I am in California again.

This weekend I interviewed two people:

Barbara Herrera, San Diego ( at and Stephanie Dawn iN LA area ( Barbara is a midwife, photographer and writer, and a very well-spoken, thoughtful advocate for babies. Unfortunately, Dr. Wonderful, a wonderful obstetrician in San Diego was ill and unavailable.

Stephanie does her Sacred Birth Workshops in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York City, Childbirth preparation for the heart, mind, and spirit, Tomorrow I will interviewing Marcy Axness, PhD.,

QUANTUM PARENTING, which brings together the latest scientific research with ancient spiritual wisdom…

A leading-edge source of parenting resources for mothers and fathers wanting to most effectively support the unfolding mind, body and soul of their children…

Then we travel to Nevada City, CA where I will be visiting David and Donna Chamberlain and BEPE (Birth and Early Parenting Educators).

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